New Spinels in our collection

New Spinels in our collection

We’ve got some new spinels!

We now have two more stones in our collection.

Our spinel boasts vibrant colors, mesmerizing brilliance, and a captivating history. 

Spinel comes in a dazzling array of hues, from fiery red and pink to captivating blue, purple, and even black. 

Spinels possess a spellbinding brilliance, often exceeding that of rubies and sapphires. Their facets dance with light, creating a captivating sparkle that draws all eyes.

Ready to ignite your style with spinel?

Whether you seek a fiery red statement piece or a delicate, colorful accent, spinel offers a unique and enchanting way to express your individuality.

Explore our curated collection of spinel gemstones and discover the beauty that lies hidden in plain sight.

Do not hesitate to contact us today! 

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