By reuvenveksler
September 23, 2021
2 min read

O for Orange Diamond

O for Orange Diamond

O for Orange Diamond

The tastiest gemstone ever – the Orange Diamond. 


Although Yellow Diamonds are the most common among fancy color gems, natural untreated Orange Diamonds are among the rarest. According to the experts, less than 1% of all diamonds are orange, with pure orange coming in at an even lower rate. 

Orange Diamonds come in a variety of shades ranging from light to deep, vivid orange. The most desirable color is Fancy Vivid Orange – the one without a hint of brown. The stones’ color is caused by atomic-level lattice defects connected to nitrogen impurities in the diamond structure. However, some experts disagree about this theory. Today, the real source of orange in Diamonds remains a mystery. 

These sunny gems are found primarily in the mines of South Africa and Western Australia. 


The most famous Orange Diamonds are the Pumpkin Diamond owned by Harry Winston, and the Koi Diamond owned by the Rawstone Business Holding.

The Pumpkin Diamond is a Fancy Vivid Orange weighing 5,54 ct. It was mounted in a pinky ring designed by Harry Winston in 1997/98. It was worn by Halle Berry on her left hand during the 2002 Academy Awards ceremony. 

The Koi Diamond is one of the most unique fancy colored stones in the world. It is a multi-hued orange and white treasure weighing 32 ct, which has been cut in the shape of Japanese Koi fish. 

Reuven’s comment

Orange diamonds are absolutely special. A stone of pure color, without an admixture of yellow or brown, is considered a crazy find, a rarity and a great treasure. The price for such a gem will be based on millions per carat. Definitely great diamonds for investment!

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