By reuvenveksler
November 10, 2021
2 min read

Scorpio birthstones

Scorpio birthstones
Scorpio birthstones

Scorpio period starts on the 23rd of October and ends on the 21st of November.

Who are they – Scorpios? People born under this zodiac sign are distinguished by their fierce independence, intensity and tendency to be harsh. However, Scorpios are extremely emotional and craving intimacy. They are also loyal friends and partners.

There’re several special birthstones for Scorpios that help them balance their emotional intensity and bring light to their dark side. 

Astrologers believe that Topaz and Scorpio are a perfect match. This stone can enhance beneficial communication and positive relationship, keeping Scorpios gentle in their approach to others. 

Alexandrite is a rare and beautiful stone believed to strengthen intuition, creativity and imagination. It also brings balance in the connection between physical and spiritual worlds – which is simply necessary for Scorpios. 

Opal is believed to bring healing energy and good luck to restless Scorpios. It also helps to stay linked to the sense of inner peace. 

What other gemstones are beneficial for this sign? Being a Scorpio, your other lucky stones are Agate, Ruby, Obsidian, Citrine, Tanzanite and Black Tourmaline. 

Choose the gem that suits your taste or wear them all together!

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