By reuvenveksler
July 09, 2024
12 min read

Diamond color guide – what diamond color is best?

Diamond color guide – what diamond color is best?

Diamond color chart

Diamonds have a huge number of characteristics and aspects you’d better take into account when choosing a stone. However, don’t forget that you also need to focus on the color of the diamond. A seemingly simple thing, but it can also be complicated and confusing. 

Today we will talk about color of diamonds there are, how they are distinguished and what color is the best option and why. At the end, you will know how to choose from this galaxy of diamonds. 

What are colored diamonds

Let’s take a look at the easiest example. You would like to find the perfect engagement ring for your beloved one. Trust us, we know that this process can be exciting but also a little confusing. The diamond color is one crucial consideration. But what exactly is a diamond color chart?

Diamond color means the presence of any hue in a color diamond. The less color a diamond has, the more valuable it is. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) has a special color scale. This color scale ranges from D to Z. A diamond ranked D on this color scale is crystal clear, perfect;y transparent and extremely rare. Diamonds ranked between G and J are almost colorless. They are the most popular and sought-after choice for engagement rings.

Some diamonds come in unique colors like green or pink. These are fancy colored diamonds. While a colorless white diamond is a conventional and most understandable choice, a fancy colored diamond can make your ring stand out. Please note that such fancy colored diamonds are quite rare and can be more pricey.

It’s also important to consider the metal band. Some people choose white gold for the band of their engagement ring. White gold can enhance the diamond’s appearance, making it look whiter and brighter. It’s a popular choice because of its elegance and modern look.

When shopping for an engagement ring, knowing about a diamond color chart can help you make an informed decision. Whether you prefer a colorless diamond or a fancy colored one, the right diamond can make your special moment perfect. So take your time, learn about the color scale, and choose the best option for you.

How diamonds are graded?

As we mentioned above, GIA has already developed a handy scale for grading and ranking diamond colors and now diamonds are graded according to these diamond color grades. It will allow us to understand which color grade a diamond belongs to, as well as roughly estimate how much it will cost depending on its color.

Diamond color guide - what diamond color is best?
credits to brilliant earth
  • Colorless (D-F)

This color category is the most colorless and, not surprisingly, the most expensive. If you want an absolutely clear and saturated diamond that will not have a single drop of any other shade, then it is worth paying attention to stones of this ranking. Don’t be surprised (even though it’s obvious), these diamonds are also the rarest from a diamond color chart. They are extremely difficult to find. Of course, this color is better than anything else. However, be prepared that such diamonds are many times more expensive than other colors. In addition, to the untrained eye, the difference between this category and the next is hardly visible. Although we do not discourage you in any way. On our website you will find diamonds in these colors as well and you can see them in the catalog. 

Diamond color guide - what diamond color is best?

  • Near colorless (G-J)

The next chart is near colorless diamonds. This color range is the most popular. Such diamonds are the most frequent choice among buyers because the color in them is hardly noticeable to the untrained eye. If you frame such diamonds in metal, then you will hardly distinguish them from the first category at all, even putting them side by side. The main difference between this category and the previous one is that when you look at the G-J color diamonds face down, there is a faint tint to them. However, we repeat, it is so barely noticeable that you can ignore it and just enjoy the beauty and appeal of your diamond. Your diamond will not look worse or lose its spellbinding effect if it is in this color range. Moreover, it will be fantastic in any setting such as rose gold, yellow gold or white gold. 

Diamond color guide - what diamond color is best?

  • Faint color (K-M)

The next category is faint color diamonds. Yes, such stones already have not a strong hue and it will be difficult to call them colorless unlike the previous two classes. However, there’s a little bit of a lifehack on how you can save money and still get a colorless diamond. If you choose a very small stone (up to 0.50 carats) in this color category, it will be small and visible shades will be imperceptible due to its size. 

This category of diamonds is always nice for your budget and you can successfully accentuate the beauty of your diamond with the right metal. For example, if you want to achieve the warmest and summeriest puck from your jewelry, you can use rose gold or yellow gold as a setting. That way, your diamond will glow with the sun’s glare and shimmer warmly and brightly.

Diamond color guide - what diamond color is best? 

  • Very light color (N-R)

There is a notable brown or yellow coloring in diamonds in the N to R range. Compared to diamonds that are almost colorless or have a slight hue, these color diamonds are far less expensive. Yeah, they are cheap compared to all previous categories, but you should understand that they don’t look as charming as others. Often these diamonds are not put on the market at all because they are used for other industrial purposes. We do not recommend such diamonds for purchase and do not sell them.

Diamond color guide - what diamond color is best?

  • Light color (S-Z)

We do not deal with this category of diamonds and do not recommend it for consideration as a purchase. Diamonds in this color range have a strong, noticeable yellow or brown tint that is visible to anyone with the naked eye. Yes, these diamonds are extremely inexpensive compared to others, but you must understand that they look yellowish or brownish in any setting and lighting.

Diamond color guide - what diamond color is best?

FAQs about diamond color grading

What diamond color is best?

In the realm of diamond buying, understanding diamond color is paramount. When purchasing a diamond, one must consider the diamond color scale, which ranges from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown). These color grades significantly influence the diamond’s appearance and value. Diamonds that fall within the D-F range are the most sought-after for their pristine, colorless quality.

Naturally, the highest D-F category of diamonds is the best. and to be more precise, the D diamond is the most ideal, the purest and most transparent stone. There is not a hint of any shade or color in it, it is a naturally colorless ideal stone that is extremely difficult to find. However, you should realize that such rare diamonds are extremely expensive. Therefore, we recommend considering stones in near colorless range when choosing the perfect diamond. First of all, you will hardly notice the difference between these categories. Secondly, G-J diamonds are more affordable and will not hit your budget so hard. Finally, no one can doubt their unearthly beauty and splendor. They will look marvelous with pink gold, white or yellow gold as well. 

However, it’s more important to note that diamonds that possess a fancy color—like blue, pink, or yellow—are also highly coveted, often fetching prices less than what one might expect for a white diamond with the same clarity and cut. To truly appreciate the subtle distinctions, it’s recommended to view these precious stones side by side. When evaluating a diamond that captivates your eye, remember that its color intricacies contribute profoundly to its unique charm and worth.

What color in a diamond gives the most sparkle?

While a colorless diamond will typically have the most sparkle,  diamonds with a slight, even color can also shine brilliantly. The sparkle of a diamond is a complex phenomenon that depends not only on the color of the stone. This factor is also influenced by other aspects. The key is finding a diamond with a well-proportioned cut and good clarity, regardless of its color grade.In one of our articles, we examined in detail the different types of diamonds’ cuts, what they are and why it is important to take this point into account when choosing your stone. In our educational center you can read this article and learn a lot about cuts. 

When choosing your diamond, remember that the most important factor is how it looks to you and only you. A diamond with a subtle yellow or brown hue can still be stunning, especially if it’s well-cut and reflects light beautifully. Don’t let a color grade alone deter you from finding the perfect diamond for you.

What diamonds have more color?

When it comes to diamond buying, one of the more important factors to consider is the color of the gemstone. Many people have questions about diamond color, particularly, what diamonds have more color? The answer is fascinating because not all diamonds are completely colorless.

In fact, yellow diamonds are some of the most commonly found colored stones. They range in shade from a very pale, almost imperceptible hue to a deep, vivid yellow. These stones get their color from the presence of nitrogen within their structure. Color grades are used to classify them, with D being completely colorless and moving down the scale to Z, which indicates a clearly discernible light yellow tint. 

For those desiring even more color, there are Fancy color diamonds. These stones exhibit intense hues and belong in a category all their own. For example, while a standard yellow diamond might show a soft tone, a Fancy Yellow diamond showcases a rich, saturated color that’s particularly eye-catching. When you shop for diamonds, understanding these nuances can make a significant difference.

So, if you’re considering diamond buying and want something with more color than the traditional white diamond, exploring the world of yellow diamonds and Fancy color diamonds could be well worth your time.

When it comes to the hue of white diamonds that can be seen by a person to the simple eye and not a specialist, all diamonds from the K-M category onwards have a noticeable hue. Hence, this diamond color scale has more color. 

However, you should not be frightened and think that this is something bad or wrong. Colored diamonds are a natural thing, the way nature creates them. And only you decide what colors you want to see in your diamond and whether or not you want to see it at all. If not, then your choice is D-F and G-J categories; if you are not bothered by the presence of a slight tint in the stone, pay attention to the K-M category. It really is good value for money. 

Buying tips

What you should look for  What to avoid
First of all, when choosing a diamond, always ask for a certificate for the stone. Ideally, if you receive a certificate from reputation laboratories, for example, GIAThe certificate must indicate the color category, as well as other important characteristics of the diamond, such as proportions, shape, polish, etc. If for some reason the seller does not immediately provide you with a diamond certificate, don’t hesitate and request one. It is very important to know that your diamond is certified and has original documents. On our website we always provide our clients with certificates for diamonds and gemstones and can make them at your request, so that you have peace of mind when purchasing
For a small diamond carat (stones up to 1.00 carats) select a near colorless category. Due to its light carat weight and size, it will appear that you have a D-F grade diamond. Even a specialist outside the laboratory is unlikely to distinguish between these two grades. For a larger diamond, think about a diamond with a higher color grade. These diamonds will have a crystal clear effect.  Emerald or asscher diamond shapes are incredibly beautiful. However, there are pitfalls. These shapes can often hide and dull the color of the diamond. Therefore, if you are very worried about the color of your stone or want to be sure that it will definitely be colorless, take a closer look at such forms as princess or round. 
If your budget does not yet allow you to purchase diamonds of D-F scale, consider others and don’t stress that much about it. Be wiser and invest in a better cut, the most crucial component of a diamond’s brilliance, rather than higher color. When choosing a diamond, don’t focus on just one aspect. There are many aspects to such a precise matter that we talk about. It is best to proceed from your needs and budget and do not forget about various factors, so you will choose the ideal option for yourself

We hope that now you can more easily navigate the choosing process of diamond color and this topic will no longer become a headache for you. Don’t forget that there are different categories and each has its own characteristics. Purchase a diamond based on your preferences, goals and, obviously, your budget. And also do not forget about intuition and taste preferences in such a difficult matter.

Go shopping 

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