Love, that’s stood the test of time, is truly something to celebrate. Depending on the year you’re celebrating, anniversaries are associated with specific gems and jewelry pieces.
The first mention of a wedding anniversary was made in ancient Rome. However, there was no special tradition to celebrate such anniversaries. Back then, couples didn’t celebrate every year of their marriage but rather only long term milestones, such as the 25th and the 50th anniversaries.
Everything’s changed relatively recently – at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when marriage ceased to be perceived as something ordinary and everlasting. Today, partners recognise that loving and supporting each other is a lifelong commitment and a never ending – yet pleasant – task. And just like that the annual celebration of marriage was born.
Check our Guide to find your perfect gemstone gift based on your wedding anniversary.
1st anniversary – gold
Also known as the Golden Anniversary. Celebrate your first anniversary with beautiful golden jewelry.
2nd anniversary – garnet
Thousands of years ago, red garnets adorned the necks of Egypt’s pharaohs, today they are a traditional 2nd anniversary gift. These stones represent the color of love and passion. And what else is necessary in a marriage?
3rd anniversary – pearl
Pearls symbolize beauty and loyalty. Pearl jewelry is a perfect choice for your 3rd celebration of love.
4 anniversary – blue topaz
Although topaz has a wide range of colors, its blue variation is a great choice for the 4th anniversary. Traditionally, this gem was considered as the stone of love and affection.
5 anniversary – sapphire
The 5th anniversary is the first great milestone in every relationship. Celebrate it with classy chic sapphires. One day they were traditional symbols of nobility and royalty – today, they are all about beauty and devotion.
6 anniversary – amethyst
Magnetic, spiritual and vibrant, amethyst is a traditional 6th anniversary gift. Centuries ago fine amethysts were set in royal crown jewels. Rumor has it, amethyst was the favorite gem of Queen Catherine the Great of Russia. And she knew a lot about fine stones.
7 anniversary – onyx
8 anniversary – tourmaline
Celebrate your 7th anniversary with a gem as deep as your love.
Symbolizing love and devotion, tourmaline is a meaningful anniversary gift. This gemstone exists in the widest range of colors: from rich reds to pastel pinks and peach colors, deep emerald greens to vivid yellows and intense blues. However, we recommend paying attention to its pink variety called rubellite.
9 anniversary – amethyst
And once again – amethyst is a wonderful traditional gift for the 9th anniversary, too.
10 anniversary – diamond
Diamonds are the best choice for such a milestone. Exquisite and flawless, they are a timeless gift. The 10th anniversary is a time to recall how it all started, to look at your diamond (most likely) engagement ring – and please yourself with another diamond.
11 anniversary – turquoise
Turquoise jewelry is a perfect way to celebrate the start of the second decade of your marriage. Its colors – blue, greenish blue, avocado, and lime green – represent a prosperous and healthy future.
12 anniversary – jade
Jade is also known as «the stone of heaven». It seems that gifting jade jewelry is like giving a star from the sky.
13 anniversary – citrine
What a juicy gem! Citrine is like seeing a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day. It matches perfectly with any design or color of the metal.
14 anniversary – opal
Bedouins believed that opal fell from the sky during thunderstorms, And it is not surprising, as its iridescent colour is just fascinating.
15 anniversary – ruby
The Sanskrit word for ruby is «ratnaraj», meaning «king of precious stones». It makes ruby the best gift for the princess (or prince) of your heart. Moreover, ruby is the best gemstone for investment – it seems, it makes you think about the future. Your common future, of course.
16 anniversary – peridot
Most peridots were brought to the surface of the earth by volcanic eruptions, but some peridots hitched a ride to earth on meteorites! Wow! This is a truly heavenly gift!
17 anniversary – watch
Traditionally, the 17th anniversary is considered a perfect time to present a watch. ?hoose the most unusual and special one!
18 anniversary – cat’s eye
More unique gifts! Chrysoberyl displays the so-called cat’s eye effect: when light reflects off the gem’s surface, needle-like inclusions cause a band of light illusion. It comes in a range of colours: yellow, yellowish green, grayish green, brown and brownish yellow.
19 anniversary – aquamarine
The legend says that aquamarine brings happiness to a marriage and calms stormy waters. The perfect vibe for the 19 anniversary, isn’t it? Moreover, the ancients believed that the color of this gem can determine the weather and the mood of its owner: it is delicately blue in sunny weather, as well as when its owner is in a calm and peaceful mood. A great clue, right?
20 anniversary – emerald
Emerald evokes springtime and the renewal of life, making it a perfect gift for couples celebrating two decades of married life! This gemstone is also one of the most sought-after stones in the world – and nearly every royal collection has at least one major emerald piece.
21 anniversary – iolite
Tender blue and purple hues of iolite are a perfect choice for the 21st anniversary gift. Iolite is also called “water sapphire” due to its resemblance to this noble stone.
22 anniversary – spinel
Spinel comes in a whole array of colors including reds, pinks, purples and blues. This stone is highly sought-after by gem connoisseurs and praised by collectors. Pay attention to spinel while choosing a gift for the 22nd wedding anniversary – it’s provoked a real boom in recent years.
23 anniversary – imperial topaz
The rare gemstone for a special date. The last few years are marked by a natural unheated imperial topaz being at the peak of its popularity. High Jewelry Maisons have been often using it in their collections, provoking a real boom in its popularity. Time to get this gem in your collection!
24 anniversary – tanzanite
This exotic gem of lush blue, vibrant violet and rich purple shades is found in only one place on the Earth – near faraway Mount Kilimanjaro. A great gift to celebrate your one-of-a-kind love.
25 anniversary – silver jubilee
Silver is for an impressive silver jubilee. Create your bespoke silver jewelry piece. Whether it will be adorned with a precious stone or not is up to you.
30 anniversary – pearl jubilee
Pearls are a great option to celebrate both the 3rd and the 30th anniversary. Elegant and chic!
35 anniversary – emerald
Luxurious and rare gemstone in a deep green color. Cleopatra adored emeralds – and, it seems, for a good reason.
40 anniversary – ruby
Scarlet and hot, this stone is given not only for the 15th wedding anniversary, but also for the 40th. And it’s worth it.
45 anniversary – sapphire
Sapphire is also the gemstone of 5 years. This time you can choose something more unusual, but still brilliant – for example, a yellow or an orange sapphire.
50 anniversary – golden jubilee
True love exists outside of time. Gold is a great way to emphasize how valuable and special this relationship is to you.
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